Day-2 Collections 1. Difference between let and var ? 2. What is the difference between below declaration var a: Int = 100 var a = 10 1. What is array and write syntax in swift 2. What is dictionary and write syntax in swift 3. How to specify a data type with Dictionary and Array 4. What is set and syntax 5. Difference between Array and Set 6. Difference between Array and NSArray 7. Write a program to find Odd or Even using function with return type 8. What is Defer and how to use function inside Defer 9. How to use for loop in swift 10. Using for loop how to iterate the array in swift 11. Print 1 to 100 using for loop 12. Print 100 to 1 using for loop 13. Syntax for Switch statement and example program 14. What is Control Transfer Statements (Continue,Break,fallthrough,return) 15. What is Tuples and write a example program 16. How to use function in tuples 17. What is Optional chaining and explain with syntax 18. What is Optional binding and explain with syntax? 19. What is Guard statement and explain with syntax? 20. Difference between if let and guard.(Explain detail) 21. What is Lazy property with example 22. What is Optional ? 23. What is Forced unwrapping 24. Difference between Single ? and Double ?? 25. What is Generic Function? 26. What is Higher order function (Sort,Map,Filter) 27. Convert Int to String in Swift 28. Convert String to Int in swift 29. What is Extension and use of Extension 30. Use Extension in Color code and String 31. What is Generics 32. What is Closures and types 33. What all are the types in Closure 34. What is @escaping closure and @nonescaping closure 35. What is Enum and types 36. What is Strong and Weak 37. What is Access specifier in swift and types 38. What is Class? 39. What is Structure 40. Difference between Class and Structure with Examples 41. What is COMPLETION HANDLER? How is it used? 42. What is synchronous and asynchronous? 43. What is a singleton pattern? 44. Difference between Objective-C and Swift 45. Swift Feature and listed some features 46. Swift Current Version 47. What is latest version in iOS 48. What current version in XCode 49. What is UIKIT 50. What is Foundation 51. What all are other frameworks used in your project 52. What is stored property and computed property